Fear and challenges on my commission for the Campaign Art Council!

This was my first commission for the local art council and I felt a bit of self imposed pressure to do well! 

Commissions are a bit scary because the hiring part may have a whole idea of how they want it to turn and you want to meet expectations !

However in this case the Champaign Art Council also known as 40North gave me total freedom, so I really appreciate it.

I knew instantly I wanted to paint a sunset/landscape, and since the theme was “Fall”, the colors should match.

You know my colors are really vivid, so it was a little challenge to make it more of a Fall/tune down scene but I was all for the challenge.

I didn’t want to go full brown, so I blended it hits of magenta and orange on the ground… The blue is the skies blended with the yellow creating a bit of a teal color that I found very pleasing (and Monet-ish if I may)

Also I wanted to have a kick of happy nostalgia, like the one you feel during a nice Fall walk. Trees changing color, coolish but not cool, moisture in the air and you on a warm cozy outfit! 

You know the temperature may still be warm for a bit, but you feel that “movie under a blanket”season is about to start!

It took me 3 sessions to finish it, including a lovely candlelight Saturday night, but you know there is no place I rather be.

Are you looking forward to the Fall? Is it your fav season? Tell me in comment!! 

1 comment

  • I am loving your website and your amazing gift for color! I also am just kicking off my art career in Chambana. Here is my website, and if you have any ideas how we could collab somehow I would love to, so feel free to email me! I work mostly in pastel but am open to new ideas.


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